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BioCam. Mobile application for capsule endoscopy


BioCam manufactures a pill-sized endoscopic capsule for imaging of the digestive system. The easy to swallow capsule connects with BioCam mobile app that guides the patient and provides all necessary information about preparing for the examination. As the capsule passes through your digestive system, it takes thousands of pictures that are sent to the recording device for your doctor. An AI-powered software detects in real-time any potential health risks within digestive tract.



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Unravel designers conducted UX and UI audit of both the mobile application and the telemedicine platform, and redesigned the app. We conducted workshops with BioCam team to understand the user needs. Then, we created a step-by-step in-app workflow and tasks list for the users prior and during the examination. The user roadmap consists of clear steps and less options, which leads to more intuitive and frictionless app use.

New, minimalist User Interface design makes the most critical elements easier to navigate and fosters a better user experience. With the updated layout, colors and typography, the app is good-looking and functional at the same time.


Visual design UX




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