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Digital workforce. UX design for improved customer experience

Digital Workforce

Digital Workforce is one of the leading global service providers in the field of Robotic Processes Automation (RPA) that built the next gen technology that eliminates employees' time and effort spent on repeatable tasks. Incorporating intelligent automation equal productivity boost, cost saving, error-free delivery and improved overall user experience.


Building a new customer experience platform that improves collaboration and best on-the-market customer support. It should cover several critical touch-points and processes from different areas, such as education, onboarding, customer support, notifications, or billing.


Digital Workforce dashboards

The process


Unravel conducted comprehensive research and analyses. As our goal was to create the best support for the DW clients, we conducted interviews and empathized with their needs and experiences along current processes.


With Product Designer, IT Architect and Product Owner on board we crafted a service blueprint and system architecture that included enhanced cross-team communication opportunities. The platform architecture was designed to ensure future scalability, both vertical and horizontal.



Thanks to efficient multiple databases communication and a set of APIs, the platform is not only able to perform fundamental processes such as monitoring, reporting and invoicing, but also to implement next-gen solutions.


User & market research IDI
Customer journey map Service blueprint
UX User interviews
MVP roadmap



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